Do you want to save money on energy bills? Then contact Ronfell on +44 (0) 1257471060
8A.Changing room and toilets Changing room, shower room and toilets for men and women, with acoustic detection. 50 Hz light fittings and non-dimmable HF ballasts Carbon Dioxide Emissions
8B. Changing room Changing room and showers, with acoustic detection. Dimmable HF ballasts and “Dynamic lighting control” Carbon Dioxide Emissions
8C. Changing roomChanging rooms and toilets Changing rooms and showers with a combination detector. 50 Hz light fittings or non-dimmable HF ballasts Carbon Dioxide Emissions
8D. Toilet Relatively few visits per day, incandescent bulbs, 50 Hz or non-dimmable HF ballasts Carbon Dioxide Emissions