2I. Incandescent light in corridor with IR detector and acoustic auxiliary detector
Svenskt patent nr. 9201493-5, English patent No. 0659329
In closed premises with soft floors, angles, screened-off areas and concealed doors, a combination of IR detector and AD-300 acoustic auxiliary detector is often the optimum solution, providing maximum comfort. A prerequisite for this solution is that the corridor be closed, i.e. that there be doors that are normally closed to all other areas. Acoustic detection alone does not work satisfactorily because of the soft floor. Light sources This the application shows an example involving incandescent light. Control system The lighting is controlled by a PD-2200 IR detector combined with an AD-300 acoustic auxiliary detector. The auxiliary detector reacts to low-frequency sounds, e.g. when a door opens. Unlike the IR detector, the AD-300 acoustic auxiliary detector can activate the lighting before entry into the room, thus creating a very high level of comfort. This facilitates optimisation of difficult corridor solutions for which one cannot justify mounting of IR detectors all over the place to achieve reasonable detection. The AD-300 auxiliary detector is thus a ‘lighting activator’ that supplements the IR detector in this example and diagram. |
Upon entry into the area through a ‘concealed door’ it can be assumed that the person in question will not stop outside it for a long time, but will fairly soon move out into the main thoroughfare, where the IR detector will take over detection. If the sound detector or the IR detector detects something, the period is extended by the period set in the detector in question. The detectors (PD-2200 and AD-300) control a relay that alternates between two pre-set dimmers. The dimmer connected when presence is detected must be set at 80-90% to save the light sources. When detection of presence ceases the relay switches over to the other dimmer. It is set so that the lighting creates a settable basic light about 5% is proposed. This system saves a lot of energy when the corridor is empty (about 95%), and 10-20% is saved in the event of presence. Detector positioning and choice of lens Positioning of the IR detector is very important for optimum functioning. The detector can be positioned in two different ways see descriptions in applications 2C and 2F for correct positioning of detectors and choice of lens. |
Information for current budget
Incandescent lighting in hotel corridor all day
The yellow area represents energy consumption with the lighting activated all day. |