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6A. Warehouse Aisle Warehouse aisle with passive IR detection. HF operation using dimmable ballasts and “Dynamic lighting control” Carbon Dioxide Emissions
6B. Warehouse / Archive Archive with roller shelving and archive shelving. IR detection, auxiliary acoustic detectors and EX-13 logic module. 50 Hz light fittings, non-dimmable or dimmable HF ballasts Carbon Dioxide Emissions
6C. Warehouse Warehouse with ceiling-mounted passive IR detector. Warehouse with high ceiling and fittings that are constantly being rearranged. 50 Hz, non-dimmable or dimmable HF ballasts Carbon Dioxide Emissions
6D. Warehouse Warehouse with ceiling-mounted passive IR detector. Warehouse with high ceiling and fittings that are constantly being rearranged. 50 Hz light fittings or non-dimmable HF ballasts Carbon Dioxide Emissions